Oakville Disability Lawyers
When concussions cause severe, long-lasting symptoms
Traumatic brain damage, known as a concussion, is caused by a blow to the head or a forceful shaking of the head and upper body. Every trauma alters how the brain works and causes some brain damage. Most concussions are minor, and many individuals don’t even know they’ve had one, especially if they weren’t unconscious for some time. However, research on concussions reveals that having several concussions frequently worsens the damage to a person’s brain over time, which may result in much more extensive damage and symptoms.
Blood loss in and around the brain from severe concussions can be lethal if ignored. Bleeding is frequently accompanied by extreme disorientation and sleepiness; however, these symptoms are not always present immediately.
Incidents that frequently result in concussions
- Vehicle crashes, such as those involving cyclists and pedestrians
- motorcycle collisions
- organized sports injuries, particularly in contact sports like football, soccer, hockey, and rugby
- slip-and-fall incidents
- Recreational mishaps including skiing, snowmobiling, and trail biking
- Physical abuse or assault
Anyone in Oakville with a long-term impairment knows the severe mental and physical effects. The financial stress makes these problems worse.
Naturally, you want this tension to stop quickly and easily. But unfortunately, many people who file long-term disability claims are unaware of how complicated and drawn-out the insurer’s internal appeals procedure may be.
You must thus seek the assistance of a knowledgeable Oakville long-term disability attorney. At Kotak Law, we specialize in obtaining the disability benefits that claimants are entitled to. Take control of your claim by contacting us right now.
Confusion, headaches, and a loss of recollection of the traumatic event that produced the concussion are typical signs of concussive traumatic brain damage. Some concussion symptoms are faint or subtle and take hours or days to manifest.
Sometimes, significant symptoms or even death might happen even a week after the original injury.
These signs and symptoms might indicate a concussion.
- Having headaches or feeling pressure in the head
- Awareness loss that often lasts for less than a few minutes
- feeling perplexed or disoriented
- I don’t remember the horrible occurrence.
- Dizziness
- vomiting and/or nauseous
- vision issues with light sensitivity
- difficulties with hearing like ringing in the ears and sensitivity to sound
- Unsteady speech
- issues with memory and focus
- fatigue and issues with sleep
- Modifications in behaviour, such as depressive symptoms and improper speech or behaviour
- the disease of the taste or smell
Adults and parents especially need to be on the lookout for these changes in behaviour in young children since they may have varied symptoms that they may not be able to vocalize.
- Lethargy or quickly getting tired
- Irritability
- seems confused
- losing their equilibrium and moving with shakiness
- a lot of tears
- alterations in eating or sleeping patterns
- a decline in enthusiasm for fun or routine activities

Anyone who has any of the following severe concussion symptoms should contact a doctor right away:
- Greater than 30 seconds of unconsciousness
- a coma or incapacity to wake up
- recurring vomiting
- clear discharge coming from the ears or nose
- increased headache
- changes in behaviour, such as irritability
- Clumsiness or stumbling
- severe disorientation, including trouble identifying persons or locations
- alterations in speech
- Seizures
- persistent or recurring dizziness
- any symptom deterioration over time
It takes time for even a minor concussion with transient symptoms to heal. Therefore victims are recommended to rest and refrain from strenuous physical and mental activity until their symptoms subside. Likewise, athletes should not resume sports until they are free of concussion symptoms. Playing sports before fully healed carries a significant risk since the brain is more likely to expand quickly and fatally during this vulnerability.

Potential Consequences of a Concussion
Post-concussion syndrome: A few days after sustaining a concussion, some people start to experience symptoms such as headaches, vertigo, and impaired cognitive function. These symptoms may last for months or years.
Post-traumatic headaches: Some people start to have persistent headaches a week or a few months after their accident.
Vertigo following a stressful event: For some people, weeks or months may pass before vertigo subsides.
Epilepsy: The chance of acquiring epilepsy within five years after the injury is twice for concussion patients.
The cumulative effect of repeated brain injuries: People who have had several concussions throughout their life may develop a permanent disability that gradually reduces their capacity to operate as they once did.
The effects of a concussion can have a substantial and long-lasting impact on a person’s ability to function socially and at work, even though they may be difficult to detect on a CAT scan or other medical instrument.
In the 2014 case Wallman v. John Doe, a man sued many defendants for damages following a rear-ending automobile collision that left him with a crippling concussion. Before the event, the accident victim, a 53-year-old emergency room physician who developed rental properties, was a hard-working and healthy individual. However, the plaintiff was diagnosed with a concussion, which had significant and long-lasting consequences and made it difficult for him to return to work even though the cars only had minor damage. His earliest signs were impaired vision, nausea, forgetfulness, trouble remembering routine information, impatience, and relentless, excruciating headaches. Low-grade headaches that occasionally turn into migraines, sporadic disorientation and dizziness, ongoing challenges with thinking, concentrating, remembering, multitasking, frequent forgetfulness, and blurred or double vision are some persistent and long-term symptoms.
Due to his impaired cognitive function, the plaintiff is no longer suitable for employment as a doctor, and it is highly improbable that he will ever be able to do so again. As a result, the plaintiff was awarded nearly $6 million in damages after the court determined that the defendants were negligent in causing his injury. These damages included $210,000 for non-pecuniary damages (for pain and suffering), $1,445,023 for past-income loss, over $4 million for future loss of earnings in his capacity as a doctor and real estate developer, $90,231 in special damages, and $34,289 for the cost of future care.
The plaintiff in Wallman v. John Doe had considerable earning potential as a successful doctor, which largely contributed to the award’s size. But the court made it quite evident that the injury significantly influenced his life. Contact the Kotak Law Office to learn more about your legal options for pursuing compensation for your losses if you or someone you care about sustained a brain injury such as a concussion in an accident.
Disclaimer: The material in this post is meant to be generic. We go above and beyond to assure the correctness of this data. The reader should always verify the truth and application of such material concerning their instance, as regulations can change swiftly. This article’s material cannot take the place of a complete and comprehensive analysis of the reader’s case by knowledgeable legal counsel who has had a chance to study all of the facts.
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4464 Bayfield St Stouffville, ON L4A 1T2